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Root canal treatment, or endodontic treatment, is a dental procedure that involves the removal of infection or rot from the roots of your tooth. The roots of your teeth are the pointy parts embedded in your jaw – these are filled with a mix of nerve tissue, cellular entities and blood vessels, otherwise known as ‘dental pulp’. Sometimes, due to many possible reasons, the dental pulp can start to rot or get infected. This can cause serious issues for the owner of the tooth including acute infections called ‘abscesses’ – these can be very detrimental to your overall health.
Signs that you may need a root canal treatment and many and varied, but there are a few definite things to watch out for. As with any medical diagnosis, it is important to seek the help of your local medical professional before deciding what is best for you – only a dental practitioner can tell you with absolute certainty whether you need a root canal treatment or not!
– If you notice one of your teeth is darker than the others, this could mean that the tooth requires endodontic attention. Tooth discolouration is never good news for your dental health and should be checked out immediately.
– If you experience pain when you are chewing food or applying any kind of pressure to your teeth, this can be a common sign that root canal treatment is needed. Similarly, if you experience undiagnosed toothache this could be a sign that you should book a consultation with your dentist to find out the cause.
– Any unusual or prolonged sensitivity to heat or cold (for example, hot or cold food or drink) could be a symptom of unhealthy roots. Tenderness or even swelling in the gums surrounding the affected area or tooth can also be a sign that you need to see a dentist about your teeth.
– Sometimes, as is the way of the world, you may not experience any immediate symptoms that would suggest you need a root canal treatment! This highlights the importance of regular visits to the dentist, along with a diligent oral hygiene routine.
What Can I Do?
If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, the most immediate step you can take to ease the pain is to inquire at your local pharmacy about over-the-counter painkillers. Additionally, eating only soft foods (such as soup or blended smoothies) can help you put less pressure on your affected area and ease the pain of eating. These are good short term solutions until you can see a professional about your symptoms.
If you are at all worried that you may require any root canal treatment but are unsure what your next steps should be, you should enquire at the Gentle Dental Centre (or your own regular dentist) for a full consultation and checkup. If there are any signs that are worrisome to them, they can easily refer you to an endodontist for further steps in your treatment.
Just like with any procedure, the most important priority is that you are looked after every step of the way. We aim to provide this quality service for root canal treatments and any of your other dental needs – don’t hesitate to get in touch so that we can book your dental consultation or appointment today.