Category: Blogs

January 25, 2022 by Gentle Dental 0 Comments

Why Bad Teeth May Cause Serious Health Problems?

Failing to look after your teeth can cause health problems other than just tooth pain. Poor oral health can make you sick, affect your overall wellbeing and exacerbate existing health conditions.

Going to the dentist only if you’re in pain can put you at risk. When you take care of your teeth, you are investing in your overall health. Here’s why tooth decay and other oral health problems can lead to more serious issues in your body.

How rotten teeth can cause health problems

A rotten or decaying tooth is a symptom of bacteria attacking your teeth. When bacteria builds up in the mouth it can spread to other places in the body, not to mention other teeth, and cause infections. 

An infection in the mouth can cause a tooth abscess, which can lead to the loss of your tooth. An abscess is a painful collection of pus and can occur at the tip of the root. They are often caused by cavities in the top or sides of your teeth. Symptoms include:

  • Throbbing and pain in your tooth
  • Sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures
  • Pain and tenderness when chewing
  • Swelling in the neck and jaw
  • Redness and swelling of the gums

How tooth decay can cause health problems

Tooth decay is the gradual breakdown of the enamel of your tooth. When plague form on the tooth they can produce harmful acids which eat away at this protective outer layer, especially when they come into contact with sugar from soft drink or starchy foods.

The decay from your enamel is what causes a tooth cavity. Tooth cavities can be painful, but they are also associated with other health risks.

Left untreated your cavity can turn into something more serious. You might start off experiencing sensitivity from hot or cold temperatures and tooth pain. Left untreated, tooth decay can affect the tooth nerve and require a root canal to remove the decay.

Tooth decay has been linked to a wide range of health issues as it worsens, such as:

  • Heart and lung disease
  • Stroke
  • Social anxiety and depression
  • Chronic pain
  • Loss of sleep
  • Diabetes

What happens if an abscess or tooth decay isn’t treated

Infection can spread from your tooth to other parts of the mouth, teeth, gums, jaw and even other places in the body. If an abscess isn’t treated it can cause the jaw and neck to become infected and cause difficulty breathing and swallowing.

In general, tooth decay and poor oral health can weaken your immune system and put you at risk of the infection spreading. An untreated abscess can also cause sepsis. This is the bodies response to an extreme infection and can lead to tissue damage, organ failure and serious long term side effects.

How can I prevent health problems from an abscess or tooth decay?

The good news is that tooth decay and poor oral health doesn’t just happen overnight. However, the majority of people don’t go to the dentist regularly. In fact, up to 50% of adults surveyed in New Zealand say they almost never go to a dentist, while thousands of children are hospitalised each year due to the health problems caused by rotten teeth.

One of the biggest culprits causing tooth decay in children is sugar. Removing soft drinks from your diet is one of the best steps you can take to better oral health. Brushing with a fluoride toothpaste is also important. Other factors to keep your mouth healthy are: 

  • Visiting the dentist twice a year regardless of whether you are experiencing pain
  • Brushing for two minutes, twice a day, and flossing every day
  • Eating hard, healthy foods like raw vegetables to strengthen your teeth and jaw
  • Drinking fluoridated water to keep teeth protected, healthy, and strong

If it’s been a while since you visited the dentist now is a good time to book an appointment. The team at Gentle Dental can work with you to develop good oral hygiene habits that look at your mouth and long-term health. Book an appointment today.

January 20, 2022 by Gentle Dental 0 Comments

3 Signs You Need Dental Implants

Dental implants are a replacement for a missing tooth, however they don’t just fill the gap in your smile. A dental implant can restore your quality of life by improving your oral health, keeping your smile aligned, making chewing and biting more comfortable, and can make you feel less self-conscious.

Dental implants are a stable tooth replacement option, but how do you know if you are a good candidate for one? Here are 3 signs you may need dental implants.

You have missing or broken teeth

Broken teeth are often left untreated, but this can lead to poor oral health and infections in the long term. Likewise, if you have missing teeth and never get them replaced, you can also be leaving yourself open to oral health problems later on in life.

Missing or broken teeth can lead to tooth sensitivity, and infection in the jawbone. It can also affect the gum tissue and make it hard to eat some foods you used to enjoy.

If you experience the following symptoms, you may have a broken tooth:

  • Pain while chewing
  • Sensitive teeth and gums
  • Swollen glands in your neck and jaw
  • Pain with very hot or very cold temperatures

Removing the tooth and getting a dental implant is a good option for cracked or missing teeth. Having all your teeth makes chewing and biting easier. It also reduces bone loss from occurring and helps to stabilize the teeth either side of the lost tooth.

How missing teeth cause jaw problems

Bone loss is not only bad for your jaw it can change the way your entire face looks. Teeth give the outward appearance of our face a lot of structure. When you lose a tooth the skin and muscle that cover it begin to sag and can make you look older than you are. In addition, a missing tooth can lead to shrinkage of the gums which puts you at a higher risk for gum disease.

You have an infection

Poor oral hygiene can lead to infections in the mouth. If not treated, or if they persist, the tooth may get to the point where it can’t be saved. In this situation, it may be better to have the tooth removed and replaced with a healthier option.

Tooth loss shouldn’t be treated as an inevitable part of aging. With good oral hygiene, regular checkups with your dentist, flossing and brushing twice a day, you can keep your real teeth well into old age.

There are some behaviours you might be doing right now, which can lead to damaging your teeth or are linked to poor oral hygiene habits.

Quit doing these things to improve the health of your teeth
  • Using your teeth as tools. Don’t use your teeth to remove the caps off bottles or for cracking nuts, chewing pencils or cutting tags or thread.
  • Clenching and grinding. Over time these behaviours can wear down on your teeth. Wearing a mouthguard when you sleep can help.
  • Smoking contributes to poor blood circulation, which can weaken gums and lead to tooth loss.
  • Poor nutrition. Soft foods can make your jaw weak. Start including raw, crunchy vegetables like carrots and celery into your diet to put your jaw and teeth to work.
  • Not brushing or flossing. Periodontal disease can make you susceptible to tooth loss. Set a reminder on your phone if you forget to floss or brush in the evening.
  • Not seeing a dentist regularly. Don’t just see your dentist when you’re in pain. Regular checkups can pick up problems with your mouth, teeth, and gums that you can’t see.
  • Drinking sugary drinks. The sugars in fizzy drinks interact with bacteria in your mouth and form acid that eats away at your teeth. Swap the sugary drinks for water instead.
You have dentures that don’t fit correctly

Removable dentures can be a solution if you have more than one tooth missing. While they may feel like a quick fix, they require constant cleaning and don’t let you enjoy the same foods. Worse still, dentures that don’t fit properly can be painful. The discomfort of badly fitted dentures outweighs any upsides.

Dentures can shift around in your mouth and press on sensitive parts of your gums. A dental implant is securely inserted into your jawbone and won’t ever move. It functions just like a real tooth and doesn’t require any additional care, outside of brushing and flossing as you would with your real teeth.

Dental implants are a more permanent solution. Even though they may need to be replaced every 15 years, they require much less maintenance than dentures and won’t cause irritation.

Book an appointment to enquire about dental implants

If you have missing or cracked teeth, or dentures that are causing you discomfort, talk to us about getting a dental implant. Book now.

January 14, 2022 by Gentle Dental 0 Comments

Dental Implants vs Dental Bridges: Which is better?

What is the difference between a dental implant and a bridge?

Dental bridges are false teeth that are held in place by your surrounding real teeth. They are often made from porcelain or plastic and match the natural colour of your teeth. Dental bridges can be made to cover one or several of your teeth.

Dental implants are fake teeth that are surgically screwed into your mouth. They are usually made from titanium and are comprised of a screw and a fake tooth fitted on top, called a crown.

Tooth loss is not just something that affects older people. In New Zealand, over 1.8 million people have had a tooth removed at some point in their lifetime due to decay, abscess, infection, or gum disease.

When you lose a tooth, a proper replacement can help keep your mouth and teeth in good alignment. Replacement teeth can make chewing easier, keep your teeth straight, make your smile look better, and help maintain your face shape as we age.

If you are missing a tooth, or need to have a tooth removed, your dentist might recommend a dental bridge or a dental implant to fill the gap. Here is why we sometimes recommend dental implants over bridges as the best solution.

What are the pros and cons of having a bridge?


  • Bridges can be more affordable than bridges
  • They do not require surgery or bone grafting
  • They can be fitted in a couple of weeks


  • Dental bridges need to be replaced every 5-7 years
  • They can discolour the longer you have them
  • Patients are more likely to have cavities in the surrounding teeth
  • Dental bridges can cause damage to the healthy surrounding teeth
What are the pros and cons of having an implant?


  • Dental implants last 15 years or longer
  • They retain a natural appearance when compared to bridges
  • They do not damage the surrounding teeth
  • They have a high success rate


  • They are more expensive than bridges
  • It can take 6 months from start to finish
  • A small number of people have surgical complications
Why do we sometimes recommend implants over bridges?

While from the outside, a bridge might sound like the better option there are a few reasons why we may recommend dental implants as the best solution.

Dental implants are more expensive, but they are more durable and last twice as long as bridges. Bridges also need the support of the surrounding teeth. This means that the teeth to the left and right are filed down so that the bridge can be fitted either side of the lost tooth.

Over time, this can cause more problems to the surrounding teeth. These teeth are more likely to be damaged over time by decay.

Dental implants may feel like an invasive treatment, but they are a long-lasting solution. They also wear better and will keep a more natural tooth colour, than a bridge will.

Are there any scenarios where bridges are better than implants?

Yes, every patient is different, and implants are not always the best solution. If you have several teeth in a row that need to be replaced a bridge may be a better option.

Cost is also a factor, and some patients need a more affordable solution. Bridges are a cheaper alternative to implants. Some patients are also put off by the time it takes to get implants. The initial surgery can take a few months to heal from and It may take up to six months before a crown is fitted. A bridge is a much quicker option than a dental implant.

How do I know if I need a dental bridge or an implant?

You may need dental implants if you have:

  • Missing or chipped teeth that are risk of infection if not removed
  • Dentures that do not fit you very well
  • Signs of infection in your natural teeth that are getting worse
  • Deteriorating jawbone and have had missing teeth for a while
  • A sunken face due to missing teeth, as implants can help give your face some structure

The best way to know if you need a dental implant or dental bridge is to book an appointment with your dentist. At Gentle Dental, our qualified team will talk to you about your concerns and whether a dental bridge, dental implant or another type of dental solution is best for you.

Book your appointment for a dental consultation or checkup now.

January 12, 2022 by Gentle Dental 0 Comments

Broken Teeth: 5 Ways A Dentist Can Fix Your Smile

Experiencing a broken or chipped tooth can feel like a nightmare. Not only can it be painful, but there’s also the worry that you may have ruined your smile for good.

Don’t worry. No matter how bad your tooth looks, it’s likely there are a few options your dentist can take to restore or replace your tooth and have you smiling again.

The most important thing after breaking or cracking your teeth is to get it seen by a dentist.

What happens if you leave a cracked tooth untreated?

It may sound weird to leave a broken tooth untreated, but a broken or fractured tooth doesn’t always hurt. If the break doesn’t affect the pulp of your tooth, there’s a chance your broken tooth might not cause you any pain. However, over time a cracked or broken tooth is at risk of causing pain, sensitivity, tooth decay, infection and may ultimately lead to tooth loss.

A damaged tooth may die within a few days or even after a few months. The sooner you see a dentist about repairing the tooth, the higher the chance it can be repaired.

A cracked, fractured, chipped or broken tooth should always be treated as an emergency. Here are five ways a dentist can fix your broken tooth:


For a small chip, a dentist may be able to recontour the shape of your tooth to make it look better and ensure there are no sharp edges to your tooth. Recontouring involves the dentist shaving and smoothing the edges of your tooth so that it is smooth and looks more like the rest of your teeth.

This is only recommended for very small chips or cracks and is a cosmetic dentistry solution to change the shape, or surface of your teeth. Recontouring can also be done for purely aesthetic reasons regardless of whether you have a broken tooth.

Dental Bonding

Dental bonding is a good option for broken teeth, especially if there has been no damage to the pulp or your tooth isn’t decayed. During the dental bonding procedure the dentist uses a bond made of composite resin to repair the chip. The composite colour is similar to the colour of your tooth and the end result is often unnoticeable.

Dental bonding can help restore the look of your smile and make chewing and eating feel normal again after breaking your tooth. Dental bonding is not an option for teeth that have a lot of damage. You may instead opt for a crown or a root canal.

Dental Crowns

If your tooth is too damaged for dental bonding, a dental crown might be the best option. A crown helps prevent the remaining tooth from further decaying while restoring the look and function of the tooth. Dental crowns are like caps which help to protect the tooth.

Crowns can be made from metal, porcelain, resin, or ceramics and don’t require any special care over time.

During the dental crown procedure, your tooth will be reshaped into a small mound so that the dental crown can fit over top, like a hat. It is then cemented into place over your tooth. This will prevent your tooth from further damage. Onlays and ¾ crowns are smaller than regular dental crowns and cover less of your tooth.

Root Canals

For badly damaged teeth, where the pulp, nerve endings or roots are exposed, a root canal may be the best option. When your tooth has a deep crack in it or the pulp is, bacteria can easily cause an infection.

In this case, a dentist will perform a root canal and remove the damaged parts of the tooth. They will then disinfect the area to clean and prevent bacteria from causing an infection. After the root canal you may have a crown installed or a dental implant. Dental implants are a good option if there isn’t enough of your old tooth to fit a crown over.

Dental Implants

If your tooth is severely damaged it may need to be removed during a root canal or pulled out altogether. In this case, a dental implant may be installed surgically by placing a titanium receptor into the jawbone. Once the implant has healed a crown is fitted to the top so that your tooth now looks and feels like a regular tooth.

While this procedure takes a few months from tooth removal to the insertion of the receptor and the fitting of the crown, your dental implant should last you for a lifetime.

What to do if you have a broken tooth

If you have experienced a broken tooth or suspect you may have a tooth fracture, the most important thing you can do is to see a dentist immediately. At Gentle Dental, we have same day appointments to ensure that we can see you as soon as possible.

Our dentists will take a look at your tooth and provide the best course of action to repair the look of your smile. Book an appointment here or contact us for a same-day appointment.

January 5, 2022 by Gentle Dental 0 Comments

Wisdom teeth removal: how does surgery work?

Wisdom teeth are the teeth at the very back of the mouth that usually come through in your late teenage years. Sometimes if there isn’t enough room in your mouth for your wisdom teeth to come through properly these teeth can cause problems and may have to be removed.

How do I know if I need my wisdom teeth removed?

Most people have four wisdom teeth, however not everyone develops these teeth. Wisdom teeth only need to be removed if they cause problems in your mouth. Not every person needs to have their wisdom teeth removed and you may only experience problems with one or two of your teeth.

Wisdom teeth can cause mouth pain when they initially come through your gums. However, if your teeth have already come through and are still causing pain or bite problems it may be time to have them removed.

Why do wisdom teeth need to be removed?

Wisdom teeth need to be removed when they are impacting other teeth. There may be a lack of space in your mouth for your wisdom teeth to come through and this can cause them to butt up against other teeth.

Your dentist may recommend wisdom teeth removal if you are experiencing any of these problems;

  • Tooth decay in your wisdom teeth
  • An abscess in the tooth or surrounding tissue
  • Periodontal diseases like pericoronitis
  • An infection in the bone
  • Cysts or tumors near your wisdom tooth
  • Obstruction of other teeth and impaction
How is wisdom tooth removal surgery performed?

Wisdom teeth removal can be straightforward or more complex depending on the position of your teeth. Most wisdom teeth surgery can be performed by a dentist, although occasionally it may be recommended that you see a specialist dental surgeon at another clinic or even hospital.

Wisdom teeth surgery is usually performed with the patient under local anesthetic, to numb the tooth and surrounding area.

If the wisdom tooth has not come through the gum at all, a small incision will be made into the gum so the dentist can access the tooth. The tooth may also be broken up to make the removal below the gum easier.

During the procedure you will feel movement and pressure of the tooth. The dentist or oral surgeon will need to widen the tooth socket to remove the tooth. This is usually done by rocking the tooth back and forth.

What is the best age to remove wisdom teeth?

There’s no “right age” to have your wisdom teeth removed. Most people get their wisdom teeth between their late teens and early twenties. However there is an advantage to getting wisdom teeth removed at a younger age, as the recovery process is faster in younger patients.

Only one of my wisdom teeth is causing problems. Do I need all four removed?

No. It is not necessary to remove perfectly healthy wisdom teeth. A dentist should only recommend removing wisdom teeth if they are currently causing problems or are likely to cause problems in the future.

Will removing wisdom teeth cause any long-term problems?

No. Removing wisdom teeth does not cause long-term problems. Instead, you are likely to avoid long term problems with your teeth and gums by having problematic teeth removed.

What to expect post-wisdom teeth surgery?

It can take up to two weeks to fully recover from wisdom teeth removal surgery. In any case, you should take a couple of days off work and scheduled activities to recover at a minimum. After surgery you may experience:

  • Swelling of the mouth and cheeks which should improve gradually over time. Pressing a cold compress to your face can help reduce the swelling.
  • Mild and visible bruising of your cheeks. The bruising may be visible for two weeks.
  • Stiffness and soreness in your mouth and jaw which should wear off in a week to ten days.
  • Pain in the mouth, which may be worse if the extraction was more difficult.
  • Tingling or numbness in the face, lips or tongue. Although this is not very common.

While it is normal to experience some bleeding and pain after surgery, you should report severe pain or discomfort post-surgery to your dentist.

What is the post-surgical care for recovering from wisdom teeth surgery?

Here are some things you can do to feel more comfortable and help recover faster after having your wisdom teeth removed:

  • Take paracetamol or ibuprofen to help with the pain of removal
  • Avoid exercise or strenuous activity for a few days after surgery
  • Use an extra pillow for support for the first few nights after surgery
  • Avoid rinsing, spitting, hot drinks or other things that can dislodge blood clots that form in the empty tooth socket
  • Avoid smoking or drinking alcohol for 24 hours after surgery
  • Eat soft or liquid foods and try to avoid using the teeth near your removed wisdom tooth to chew
  • Rinse your mouth with antiseptic mouthwash after 24 hours. Repeat regularly over the next couple of days
Can I work or drive after surgery?

It is recommended that you take a few days off work after surgery to recover. You can drive after the surgery if local anesthetic was used.

If general anesthetic was used, avoid driving for at least 48 hours after your surgery.

Book an appointment to get your wisdom teeth checked

The best way to know if you need your wisdom teeth removed is to book an appointment with a dentist. At Gentle Dental, we recommend booking a general appointment, and we will assess your wisdom teeth to see if they need to be removed.

During this time, we can give you a price estimation and guide you through the whole process, including how best to manage your recovery. Book your appointment here.

December 14, 2021 by Gentle Dental 0 Comments

What is the Procedure for a Broken Tooth?

Left untreated dental trauma, such as broken tooth, can result in further problems such as infectionA broken tooth can be painful and result in a loss of confidenceIf you experience a broken tooth, see your dentist as soon as possible. Fortunately, if treated as soon as possible there are many things your dentist can do to save the health and look of your tooth. 

What are common causes of a broken tooth?

Teeth are generally quite strong, however a broken tooth can be the result of a facial injury, biting down on something hard – like ice or hard lollies – and can be emphasized if the tooth already has some decay.  

Grinding your teeth, biting down on hard foods, uneven chewing, exposure to hot then cold temperatures and brittle teeth can lead to a broken tooth. Even healthy teeth can break. What’s important is that you see your dentist as soon as possible after you notice your broken tooth. 

How do I identify a broken tooth?

If you have experienced a facial injury – like a knock to the mouth – it might be obvious that your tooth is broken. However, it is possible to crack a tooth and not realise. Here are some warning signs that you may have cracked a tooth: 

  • Tooth pain when biting or chewing 
  • Overall tooth pain is inconsistent and comes and goes 
  • Sensitivity to sweet foods hot or cold temperatures 
  • Infection around your tooth or the gum of a tooth 
  • Tooth pain but there are no obvious signs of decay 
  • Hearing a crack after eating hard foods 
How to care for a broken tooth?

If your tooth is cracked, or you suspect it is cracked, you should book an emergency dental appointment as soon as you can. At Gentle Dental, we have same-day appointments available for patients, so you don’t have to wait to get your teeth sorted.  

 Leaving a broken tooth for too long could result in infection, further damage or even the loss of your tooth. While you wait for your appointment, here are some things you can do that may help: 

Take pain relief: Over the counter pain relief should help with the pain.  

Rinse your mouth with salt water: Swirl your mouth with salt water to help keep it clean. 

Avoid biting down on the tooth: Don’t eat if you can help it. Eat soft foods if you must eat before your appointment. 

What is the treatment for broken teeth?

The treatment for a broken tooth depends on how your tooth is broken.   

Bonding A Chipped Tooth 

If your tooth is chipped, you may have just broken off part of the tooth enamel. A dentist may be able to repair the damage with a filing. If you have broken off a part of your front tooth, and your tooth is uneven, your dentist may choose to use a procedure called bonding. 

Bonding uses tooth-coloured resin to repair the look of your tooth. The procedure does not require any anesthetic and is fairly painless. The dentist will etch the surface of the tooth so that the bonding material will stick to it. The resin is attached using an adhesive and the tooth is shaped to look natural again. 

Dental Cap or Crown For a Larger Break 

For more significant broken teeth, your dentist may replace part of the tooth with a dental cap or a crown. First, the dentist will file away at the remaining tooth before covering it with a crown or a tooth-shaped cap. The final result will look like a real tooth. 

Crowns are made from metal, resin, ceramic, or porcelain fused to metal and each has its own benefit. Metal crowns are very strong and ceramic and porcelain crowns look very real. If your entire tooth is broken off but the root remains intact the dentist may perform a root canal to insert a pin into the canal and help build up some structure to hold the crown on top. 

Dental Veneers 

Dental veneers are a good option for chipped or broken front teeth. They do a good job of hiding the broken tooth and will look just as real as the rest of your teeth. A thin shell of porcelain or resin covers the whole front of the tooth with a thicker section to cover the broken portion of the tooth. 

During the procedure, the dentist will remove a thin layer of enamel from the surface of your tooth so that the veneer can then be applied. An impression of your tooth will be taken for the veneer to be made. Once the veneer is ready it is applied with dental cement to the surface of the tooth. 

Root Canal Therapy 

Root canal therapy is only necessary when the tooth is broken and exposes the center of the tooth. In this case, the exposed pulp can become infected and die if it’s not removed. Root canal therapy will remove the deal pulp clean the root canal and seal it. The remaining tooth can then be covered with a crown. 

What to do if your tooth is knocked out

If your tooth has been knocked out, acting quickly can help save your tooth and increase the chance that it can be replanted. 

  1. Collect the tooth or the tooth fragments that have been knocked out. Handle them carefully and rinse the tooth gently in lukewarm water if there is dirt on it. Do not rub or scrape the dirt as it may damage the tooth. 
  2. Rinse the mouth out with warm water and if possible insert the tooth into the socket and bite down on some gauze to hold the tooth in place. Teeth can be stored in whole milk if you cannot reinsert them.
  3. Use sterile gauze or cloth to control the bleeding and apply a cool compress for the swelling. Take ibuprofen for the pain.
  4. See a dentist or go to the emergency room as soon as possible and take the tooth or fragments with you. 

If you have experienced a chipped or broken tooth, book an emergency appointment today at Gentle Dental. Our dentists will work to restore your tooth as best as we can.  

December 6, 2021 by Gentle Dental 0 Comments

Braces 101: What to Expect When Getting Braces

The short space of time you will wear braces for is worth a lifetime of having a great smile and well-aligned teeth. To prepare yourself for getting braces, we’ve put together this blog post which covers everything you should know about your orthodontic journey.  

Before getting braces

Braces don’t just improve the look of your smile. Braces are often recommended by a dentist to correct teeth, jaw, and bite alignment issues and improve the oral health of your teeth.  

Before getting braces, there may be some dental work you need to have done first. This could include getting teeth removed so that your teeth are not impacting others during the straightening process.  

Your dentist should talk you through what dental work needs to be done before you get braces. At Gentle Dental, we aim to only remove teeth if it is absolutely necessary to the patient. 

Your dentist should also have a rough timeline for how long you will need to have braces for your teeth to shift into position. Most patients need to have braces for around 18-24 months. One of the benefits of having braces as a teenager is treatment is generally faster than in adults. If you have the option to get braces in your teens, we recommend doing so.  

What to expect at your orthodontics consultation

Your dentist will schedule an initial consultation to listen to your concerns and what you want to achieve by having orthodontic treatment. After the examination they should discuss their findings with you and recommend some options to correct the problem. At this stage, your dentist should discuss how much braces cost, length of braces treatment, and answer any questions you may have about the process.  

 At Gentle Dental, once the consultation process is complete, we take digital scans, photographs and x-rays of your teeth for diagnosis and treatment planning. 

What to expect while getting your braces on

Getting braces is a relatively painless experience. During the appointment your dentist glues brackets onto each tooth and places a wire along them to start gently straightening your teeth. Some metal braces allowed for colours to be included around the metal bracket on each tooth. Braces colours come in many shades and are a fun option for kids and teenagers. 

The process of getting braces is usually completed in an hour or less. You may feel some pressure on your teeth for the first few days after getting braces fitted.  

You will usually have consistent appointments throughout the next 18-24 months to check and tighten your braces. Your teeth may feel a little tender after each tightening appointment.  

What to expect while having braces

Braces are a commitment and it’s important that the patient follows the dentist’s instructions on teeth cleaning and care. Failure to follow proper orthodontic care could prolong the length of your treatment. 

You may need to adjust the foods you eat after getting braces. Very soft and very hard foods can be a problem, for different reasons: 

  • Soft foods – like white bread and popcorn – can easily get stuck in your braces and are hard to remove.  
  • Hard, or sticky foods – like toffee, jerky, chewing gum – can actually dislodge the metal brackets on your braces. 

Brushing your teeth is very important when you have braces. Food can easily become stuck in the brackets and wires of your teeth so it’s important that you brush thoroughly twice a day.  

Carrying a small toothbrush with you when you are out of the house is a good idea. This will help clean your teeth if you get food lodged between the braces while you are at school or work. 

What to expect while getting your braces removed

Congratulations on getting through your braces journey! When the day comes to get your braces removed you may find your teeth feel weird and slightly slimy. That’s usually just because you’re not used to the feeling of smooth teeth. You should get used to not having them on fairly quickly. 

  • Getting your braces removed is not a painful experience. Your dentist will use tools to remove the brackets from your teeth and buff off any glue that remains on the surface of your teeth. 
  • You may be given a post-treatment plan which involves using a mouthguard at night. Make sure you wear it every night as your teeth may still move in the years after your treatment. 
  • If you have a metal bar paced behind your teeth, take extra care to brush and floss behind it. There are special types of floss that can be inserted behind the teeth for a better flossing experience.  

Knowing what to expect before you get braces makes the experience easier. At Gentle Dental, we do gentle braces and use state-of-the-art technology to make the process as comfortable as possible. If you are interested in discussing orthodontics, book your appointment here. 

November 28, 2021 by Gentle Dental 0 Comments

Cavity Prevention: How to stop tooth decay turning into a cavity

Tooth cavities are a common problem, but they are also preventable. A cavity is formed by permanent damage being caused to the hard surface of a tooth. Bacteria in the mouth, snacking on certain foods, sugary drinks and poor oral hygiene can cause these small holes to form.

Cavities are a common health problem for teenagers, and adults, however children and even babies can get cavities if parents don’t look after their teeth.

Left untreated cavities will usually only get worse. Cavities can cause infection, tooth decay and tooth loss. Fortunately, there are a lot of ways to prevent your teeth from getting cavities.

Types of cavities

Cavities are caused by decaying areas on the surface of a tooth that develop into holes. There are different types of cavities:

  • Smooth surface cavities: These usually occur on the sides of a tooth. Smooth surface cavities can be caused by not brushing or flossing in between each tooth.
  • Root cavities: These occur near the bottom of the tooth enamel close to the gums. These can be caused by bacteria in the mouth and poor oral hygiene habits.
  • Pit and Fissure cavities: These occur on the grooves in the surface of your teeth. Some teeth are more prone to cavities if food sits for a long time on the top of the teeth.
How do cavities form?

Bacteria cover all areas of our mouths including our teeth, gums, tongue and walls of our mouth. Not all types of bacteria are bad but cavities are formed when bacteria that use the sugars in foods make acid and that acid leads to tooth decay.

This is why sugary foods and snacks can cause cavities. It’s also why flossing and brushing regularly is so important. Dental plaque forms in the mouth naturally. These good oral hygiene habits help rid the mouth of the bad bacteria that hang around on plaque and the foods they use to attack our teeth.

Can you prevent a cavity from forming?

Teeth that have been exposed to acid – through a lack of brushing or too much sugar – usually develop white spots where our enamel starts to lose minerals from bacteria. This is a sign that early decay is happening and the tooth may get a cavity if the health of the tooth doesn’t improve.

Enamel can actually repair itself through minerals found in saliva and fluoride. However, if tooth decay continues, the enamel will lose more minerals and a hole, or cavity will form.

What are the symptoms of a tooth cavity?

You may not have any symptoms of early tooth decay, which is why it’s so important to brush and floss your teeth. As tooth decay gets larger you may experience:

  • Toothache that comes and goes in the same spot
  • Tooth sensitivity
  • Sharp pain when you eat or drink sweet or hot or cold items
  • White or brown stains or spots on the surface of a tooth
  • Pain when biting down
  • Visible holes in your tooth
What oral hygiene habits will help prevent cavities?

Preventing cavities largely comes down to practising good oral hygiene habits and avoiding a diet high in sugar. Here are some ways you can improve the health of your teeth and prevent cavities.

  • Brush with fluoride toothpaste twice a day. Brushing your teeth twice a day is important for dislodging food and plaque from your mouth. For best results use a fluoride toothpaste as fluoride helps to rid your mouth of acids and strengthens your enamel.
  • Along with brushing you should floss in-between your teeth. Cavities can form on the sides of teeth in places where your toothbrush may not be able to reach.
  • Rinse with mouthwash. Mouthwash can be helpful for neutralising sugars in the mouth.
  • Get dental sealants. Some teeth are more prone to cavities on the surface of the teeth because the natural grooves can trap food more easily. Sealants can help seal off the areas that would sometimes get cavities more easily. Sealants are a good idea for school-aged children and can last up to seven years.
  • Visit your dentist every six months. Just because your teeth look and feel healthy doesn’t mean they are. A professional examination and teeth cleanings will help spot any problems that you can’t see just by looking in the mirror.
  • Drink fluoridated tap water. Many cities in New Zealand have fluoridated water supplies which have been shown to help reduce tooth decay. Switch from bottled water to a fluoridated water supply if you can.
  • Avoid frequent snacking and sipping. Sugar drinks can create acids that destroy tooth enamel while foods like nuts, chips and pretzels can easily get lodged in hard-to-reach places. Snacking less and swapping water for soft drink will improve the health of your teeth.
  • Eat tooth-healthy foods. Some foods are actually good for your teeth, gums and jaw. Eating fresh fruits and vegetables increases saliva, and drinking unsweetened coffee, tea and water help wash away food particles.
Prevent cavities by booking a dental appointment today

If you think you may have a cavity or haven’t visited a dentist in more than six months the best thing to do is book an appointment with a dentist. At Gentle Dental all of our dentists are highly qualified and experts in preventative care. Book an appointment today.

November 21, 2021 by Gentle Dental 0 Comments

Invisalign: Frequently asked questions

Invisalign can be a great alternative to braces especially for adults as their clear and removable aligners are far less noticeable than traditional metal braces. Invisalign works by using custom made aligners to move your teeth into place. These aligners are changed out every two weeks for a new set. These removable aligners are practically invisible and less conspicuous than braces.

Invisalign is the market leader in clear aligner braces. If you have been considering Invisalign here are the answers to some of our most frequently asked questions.

How does Invisalign work?

Invisalign uses clear aligners that are customized and are robotically made to fit your teeth. At Gentle Dental we use 3D digital scanning technology to ensure the aligners fit perfectly. Our custom-made aligners are made in the US and are shipped to us for use.

Invisalign liners gently reposition your teeth into alignment by using a slightly tighter tray every two weeks. These trays can be removed to eat and can be easily cleaned.

How does Invisalign move your teeth?

Braces and Invisalign both work by putting pressure on the teeth to move them into the correct position. While traditional braces use wires and brackets to create pressure, Invisalign uses custom aligners that are just tight enough to pressure the teeth into moving.

This is why the aligning trays need to be changed every few weeks. Over time your teeth move enough to fit the new trays comfortably which means it’s now time to get a tighter tray to continue the alignment of the teeth.

Is Invisalign cheaper than braces?

No. Invisalign is not cheaper than traditional braces. Generally, the cost of Invisalign is determined by how many aligning trays you require. Invisalign can sometimes be twice as expensive as traditional braces. However, most people choose Invisalign for the look and feel of the treatment.

It’s not uncommon for people who have had braces in the past to re-correct their teeth with Invisalign. Invisalign can be a good option for people who are looking for a small correction to the alignment of their teeth and don’t have major misalignment issues.

What is better braces or Invisalign?

There is no major difference between the end result of your smile when choosing between braces or Invisalign. Braces can be a better option for teenagers and young adults as they are permanent, and some parents don’t want the added hassle of having to remind their children to wear their aligners.

Many adults choose Invisalign as they are transparent and they like that they are removable. However, Invisalign will work faster if the trays are worn consistently. Some people will find their Invisalign journey takes longer than expected because they aren’t wearing their aligners as much as they should. Consider whether you will wear your aligners for the prescribed amount of time before committing to Invisalign.

Braces can also be a better option for severely misaligned or overlapping teeth. Your dentist will be able to tell you whether Invisalign is right for your smile.  Check out our blog post on the pros of cons of braces and Invisalign here for an in-depth comparison.

Is Invisalign bad for your teeth?

No, Invisalign is not bad for your teeth. In some cases, braces are a better option, or a combination of braces and Invisalign may be recommended.

Which is better: Smile Direct or Invisalign?

As highly qualified dentists we always recommend that you see a dentist in person for any teeth realignment procedures. Services like Smile Direct rely on the patient to keep track of their progress which means misalignment issues have a higher chance of occurring.

Furthermore, a dentist may sometimes recommend the removal of teeth to ensure that once you start your braces or Invisalign treatment, your teeth won’t become overcrowdedx in your mouth. Smile Direct may be a better option for small realignment issues.

If you are interested in exploring whether Invisalign is the right option for your smile, book in now to see one of our highly qualified dentists and we can talk you through a treatment plan.

November 14, 2021 by Gentle Dental 0 Comments

Can Dental Implants Be Replaced?

If you have dental implants the crown of your implant can be replaced if it is damaged. However, dental implants are inserted with the intention that like real teeth, they will be with you for life.

Dental implant surgery can cause a lot of stress and strain on the jaw and is not something most dentists want their patients to have to go through more than once. However, there are some instances where your dental implant as a whole may need to be replaced.

What are dental implants?

Dental implants are permanently installed to replace a broken or missing tooth. Dental implants are made to replace individual teeth and do not need to be removed like dentures.

A dental implant is made up of:

  • a receptor. These are not designed to be replaced. These are inserted into the jawbone to hold the crown of the tooth in place.
  • and a crown. The crown screws into the receptor and can be replaced if damage is caused to it.
Why might a dental implant need to be replaced?

A common reason a dental implant may need to be replaced is because of poor oral hygiene habits that can lead to infection. However, according to one study age, length of the implant, the diameter of the implant, bone quality, and region of the implant are all factors that determine how long dental implants will survive.

Dental implants are grafted into the bone. Poor hygiene can cause gum disease which can lead to the loosening of the gum from the bone and undermine the implant.

When the implant is no longer supporting the tooth the whole dental implant may need to be extracted.

What factors can cause dental implants to fail?
  • Smoking: Smoking restricts blood flow to the bones which can lead to the loosening of the gums. When the gums are loose the implant has a harder time being supported by the jawbone the implant is grafted to. Dental implants in smokers have a 20% higher failure rate than non-smokers.
  • Gum disease: Gingivitis leads to weakened gums which affect the success rate of an implant. You will need to have healthy gums to undergo dental implant surgery.
  • Bone loss: Some people have an insufficient bone in their jaw for dental surgery to be effective. Osteoporosis in older age can have an effect on dental implant success.
  • Pre-existing conditions: Some medical conditions can cause the body to heal slower than a healthy body. Dental implants can take up to six weeks to heal. Diabetes or arthritis may cause the jawbone to heal very slowly. One study from 2016 found heartburn medications may reduce new bone growth. Talk to your doctor about which medications you are on before undergoing dental implant surgery.
  • Bad oral hygiene: Poor oral hygiene can lead to the failure of dental implants. This is because diseases like gingivitis can compromise the health of your gums.
How to know if my dental implant is failing?
  • Infection, bleeding, or pain around the implant unrelated to the initial surgery
  • The implant becomes loose or falls out
  • Numbness, tingling and loss of feeling in the jaw or area where the implant is
  • Sinus problems which develop after surgery. This could be a sign the implant is touching the sinus cavity.
  • Peri-implantitis. This is highly uncommon but is caused when the bone and gum around the implant are inflamed from a bacterial infection.
How to ensure your dental implant lasts a lifetime:

Brushing for two minutes a day with an electric toothbrush is one of the best ways to keep your dental implant healthy. Flossing every day between teeth is critical to keeping the gums healthy and strong.

Keeping a consistent schedule with your dentist is also key to ensuring your dental implants last a lifetime. If you have dental implants and are concerned about its longevity, book in now to see one of our highly qualified dentists.

Our dentists will take a look at your implant and give you the advice and guidance needed to keep your mouth and your dental implant healthy.