April 3, 2023 by Gentle Dental 0 Comments

Clear braces v Invisalign: Which is better?  

Orthodontics can help fix alignment or bite issues while giving you the gift of a more confident smile. Two of the most popular options for fixing crooked or misaligned teeth are clear braces and Invisalign. Both treatments are highly effective and more discreet than traditional wire braces. However, both treatments have their own pros and cons. Here’s how to decide what type of orthodontic treatment is right for you. 

Clear Braces: The Basics  

Clear braces are very similar to traditional metal braces. The main difference is that instead of attaching metal brackets and wires to your teeth, your orthodontist will use clear or white-coloured ceramic brackets. These brackets blend in with the colour of your teeth.    

Clear braces are a popular option for older teenagers and adults who want a more discreet orthodontic treatment and are sometimes called invisible braces. Like wire braces, the brackets are attached to your teeth and are connected with a thin wire. Your orthodontist will monitor your tooth movements and tighten the wire periodically to move them into the correct position.   

Pros of Clear Braces  

If you are weighing up the advantages of clear braces v Invisalign, one of the biggest advantages is that clear braces are more effective at correcting a wider range of orthodontic issues. They can be a better choice for people who have complex dental problems, such as severe overcrowding or a misaligned bite. Clear braces are also less noticeable than traditional metal braces, making them a more appealing option for people who are self-conscious about their appearance.  

Cons of Clear Braces  

One of the main disadvantages of clear braces is that they aren’t as strong as metal braces. This means it can take longer to complete orthodontic treatment and the brackets are more fragile. They can break more often than wire brackets. Clear braces can also be more difficult to clean than traditional metal braces, as the ceramic braces can sometimes become discoloured over time if you consume a lot of foods and beverages that can stain.  

Invisalign: The Basics  

Invisalign is a system of clear plastic aligners that are custom-made to fit your teeth. The Invisalign trays are designed to gradually move your teeth into the correct position over a period of months. For best results, these treatments require you to wear your aligners at least 22 hours a day. You can remove the aligner to eat or brush your teeth.  

Typically you will wear each set of aligners for two weeks before you can switch to a smaller set of aligners. Invisalign treatment is a popular choice for adults and older teenagers who want an even more discreet treatment than clear braces.  

Pros of Invisalign  

One of the biggest advantages of Invisalign v clear braces is that the aligners are virtually invisible. Most people won’t even notice you’re wearing aligners. The aligners are also removable, so you can take them out to eat, brush, and floss.  

This makes it easier to maintain good oral hygiene during your treatment. Invisalign is also a good choice for people who have mild to moderate orthodontic problems.  

Cons of Invisalign  

One of the main disadvantages of Invisalign is that it may not be as effective as other types of orthodontic treatments for more complex dental issues. Invisalign may not be the best option for people who have severe overcrowding or a misaligned bite. Additionally, Invisalign aligners can be more expensive than traditional metal braces or clear braces.  

Clear braces v Invisalign: Which is better?  

Clear braces or Invisalign are both effective options for straightening your teeth. Clear braces are a better option for people who have more complex orthodontic problems, such as severe overcrowding or a misaligned bite. Invisalign is a better option for people who have mild to moderate orthodontic problems and want a more discreet treatment option. Ultimately, the best way to determine which treatment is right for you is to consult with an experienced orthodontist who can evaluate your needs and recommend the best treatment plan.  

Both orthodontic treatments are highly effective and can help you achieve a straighter, more beautiful smile. The choice between the two comes down to your needs and preferences.  

At Gentle Dental, our expert orthodontal team can talk you through a range of orthodontic options including traditional braces, Invisalign, clear braces and lingual braces and find the right solution for you. Book a consultation today.  

November 21, 2021 by Gentle Dental 0 Comments

Invisalign: Frequently asked questions

Invisalign can be a great alternative to braces especially for adults as their clear and removable aligners are far less noticeable than traditional metal braces. Invisalign works by using custom made aligners to move your teeth into place. These aligners are changed out every two weeks for a new set. These removable aligners are practically invisible and less conspicuous than braces.

Invisalign is the market leader in clear aligner braces. If you have been considering Invisalign here are the answers to some of our most frequently asked questions.

How does Invisalign work?

Invisalign uses clear aligners that are customized and are robotically made to fit your teeth. At Gentle Dental we use 3D digital scanning technology to ensure the aligners fit perfectly. Our custom-made aligners are made in the US and are shipped to us for use.

Invisalign liners gently reposition your teeth into alignment by using a slightly tighter tray every two weeks. These trays can be removed to eat and can be easily cleaned.

How does Invisalign move your teeth?

Braces and Invisalign both work by putting pressure on the teeth to move them into the correct position. While traditional braces use wires and brackets to create pressure, Invisalign uses custom aligners that are just tight enough to pressure the teeth into moving.

This is why the aligning trays need to be changed every few weeks. Over time your teeth move enough to fit the new trays comfortably which means it’s now time to get a tighter tray to continue the alignment of the teeth.

Is Invisalign cheaper than braces?

No. Invisalign is not cheaper than traditional braces. Generally, the cost of Invisalign is determined by how many aligning trays you require. Invisalign can sometimes be twice as expensive as traditional braces. However, most people choose Invisalign for the look and feel of the treatment.

It’s not uncommon for people who have had braces in the past to re-correct their teeth with Invisalign. Invisalign can be a good option for people who are looking for a small correction to the alignment of their teeth and don’t have major misalignment issues.

What is better braces or Invisalign?

There is no major difference between the end result of your smile when choosing between braces or Invisalign. Braces can be a better option for teenagers and young adults as they are permanent, and some parents don’t want the added hassle of having to remind their children to wear their aligners.

Many adults choose Invisalign as they are transparent and they like that they are removable. However, Invisalign will work faster if the trays are worn consistently. Some people will find their Invisalign journey takes longer than expected because they aren’t wearing their aligners as much as they should. Consider whether you will wear your aligners for the prescribed amount of time before committing to Invisalign.

Braces can also be a better option for severely misaligned or overlapping teeth. Your dentist will be able to tell you whether Invisalign is right for your smile.  Check out our blog post on the pros of cons of braces and Invisalign here for an in-depth comparison.

Is Invisalign bad for your teeth?

No, Invisalign is not bad for your teeth. In some cases, braces are a better option, or a combination of braces and Invisalign may be recommended.

Which is better: Smile Direct or Invisalign?

As highly qualified dentists we always recommend that you see a dentist in person for any teeth realignment procedures. Services like Smile Direct rely on the patient to keep track of their progress which means misalignment issues have a higher chance of occurring.

Furthermore, a dentist may sometimes recommend the removal of teeth to ensure that once you start your braces or Invisalign treatment, your teeth won’t become overcrowdedx in your mouth. Smile Direct may be a better option for small realignment issues.

If you are interested in exploring whether Invisalign is the right option for your smile, book in now to see one of our highly qualified dentists and we can talk you through a treatment plan.